We are excited to announce that All Hallows’ Farmhouse is the Dorset stockist for Manuka Honey Direct.  Offering you the chance to buy genuine, certified Manuka honey from New Zealand.

Our Manuka honey has been rigorously laboratory tested to ensure its authenticity. Each jar is filled, sealed and labelled in New Zealand providing full traceability.  Our lovely friends at Manuka Direct can can provide the laboratory certificate for each batch number.

What is Manuka honey

A rare monofloral (single flower nectar) honey with a natural antibacterial component.  The Manuka bush is from the Tea Tree family which blossoms for only 2-6 weeks each year. It is limited in supply and challenging to produce.

The Ministry of Primary Industries in New Zealand have very strict rules for Manuka Honey.  Only honey that has been laboratory tested, certified and packed in New Zealand, can be labelled as genuine NZ monofloral Manuka honey. 


Alex Pearson, founder of Manuka Direct in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.

Why is Manuka honey known as the ‘Healing Honey’

Revered by the Maori for hundreds of years.  The healing properties of Manuka honey has always been respected by the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand.

What are the antibacterial properties of Manuka Honey

The principle antibacterial component of Manuka is Methylglyoxol.  This is measured in mg/kg.  Each jar of honey carries a label detailing the level measured in each batch.  Manuka has extraordinary natural properties.  These are unique in comparison to other types of honey.   The higher the MGO+ number, the higher the level of methyglyoxol and the higher the efficacy. 

Did you know that in 2004 the NHS licensed medical grade Manuka honey to be used as a dressing for wounds?

How do you eat Manuka honey

Manuka honey is precious.  We recommend that a daily teaspoonful to take advantage of its health benefits.  It tastes great with toasted sourdough, drizzled over porridge or whizzed into a fresh fruit smoothie.

If you are suffering with a sore throat, prepare fresh ginger, lemon juice and hot water with a teaspoon of Manuka honey.  This will make a great natural remedy.

If you have any questions about the authenticity of the Manuka Direct honey, we encourage you to ask.

Do get in touch.  We will always be pleased to help.