The days are growing shorter.  It will soon be time to adjust the clock back one hour.  There’s a definite nip in the air each evening.  In the darker mornings our hens are anxiously waiting later and later to be let into the yard, so they may peck and scratch all day.

In our herb garden we have made a list of jobs to complete this month. 

  • It’s still possible to sow parsley in the greenhouse or a sunny windowsill to provide you with much needed soft winter herbs.
  • Chervil and Chamomile will also germinate in a sunny well prepared seed bed.  You could also sow a little Fennel or Angelica, but take care that either of these herbs over run in the garden next year.
  • Dig up French Tarragon and pot up individual roots to keep well protected in the greenhouse during the winter months.
  • Cut Chives back and divide plants for new growth in spring. Marjoram, Bergamot and Lady’s Mantle should all be divided in the autumn too.
  • It’s not too late to take soft wood cuttings of Lavender, Thyme or Box.
  • Buy a packet of Mustard and Cress seeds to sow periodically on the kitchen window.  Perfect for a egg sandwich!



Preparing for winter …

Cut down herbaceous plants and collect any seed heads.  Place them in a brown paper bag and label.  Store in a cool, dry and dark place ready for sowing.

The garden will need a good clear now, especially the mints, fennel and sorrel which will need cutting back to the ground.  Give the beds a thorough weed.  Organise protection for Myrtle and Bay, so that when the weather turns very cold, you will be already prepared. Soft herbs such as chervil, rocket and parsley need to be protected now.

Dig up any remaining annual herbs and compost or dispose of these.

Any remaining terracotta pots should be wrapped in sacking for protection or moved to a sheltered spot away from the winter frosts.

Give the soil a good covering of compost or well rotted manure.

Put your feet up and start planning the herb garden for next year!






